How to Use Tarot Dice and Roll for Divination

Tarot dice is the up-and-coming tool for tarot-based divination where you can roll the dice and learn the cards in your spread. It’s essentially the same method as a standard tarot deck, but learning how to use tarot dice requires a little more insight to judge upside-down (reversal) meanings.

We also want to preface and let you know that these dice are different from astrology dice, which is another form of divination. Here’s a quick rundown on how to use tarot dice to read from the great divine.

How to Use Tarot Dice

Thankfully, tarot dice are essentially no different from tarot cards in the sense that you’re going to select your tarot spread and roll the dice and randomly select one. The dice will tell you the name of the “side” (in this case the corresponding card) and that will be the first card in your spread. You’ll continue rolling and keeping note of the dice side for each spread until the spread is complete.

For the best results, you’ll want to use a dice bag (or even a dice tower if you’re feeling adventurous). This will prevent you from seeing and picking the dice, as well as preventing you from shooting the dice off while shuffling in your hands and potentially losing it.

How to Read Tarot Dice

You’ll find it’s relatively easy to read tarot dice, just as if you were reading tarot cards. There are a few instances where you’re going to need to make your own judgment call that doesn’t normally apply to tarot cards, but this may allow you to connect to the divine more.

1. Pick a Tarot Spread

Reading tarot dice starts with picking a tarot spread of your choosing. You can find tarot spreads ranging from relationships to career advice, but the individual question will come down to you. Remember, tarot as a divination tool is meant to ask more specific, open-ended questions that are not “yes or no”.

2. Pick Your Tarot Reading Guidebook

After you pick your spread, you’ll want to pick up a tarot guidebook, preferably something generic such as The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean or The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Burger, as using a specific guidebook from a tarot deck may only cater to their specific cards. For example, certain decks switch out Swords for Blades or Pentacles for Coins.

3. Shuffle Your First Dice

From there, you’ll then shuffle your dice in a dice bag or dice tower (or if need be, your hands), and pull one dice out for the first piece of your spread. For those using your hand or a dice bag to shuffle, roll the dice after selecting the first one to ensure you’re leaving it to the divine to answer your questions.

If you’re someone who reads reversals for their tarot cards, you’ll need to make a decision on what consists of a reversal for your dice or not. A good rule of thumb for reversals is to consider the way you’re facing the upright position and anything facing toward you in the reversal position.

4. Place the Tarot Dice Back in the Bag

Unlike tarot cards, you’re going to need to place the tarot dice back into the bag, box, or hand. This ensures you’re not eliminating the other possibilities on the dice from the spread. If you’re using a tarot journal, you’ll want to take notes before placing the dice back into the fray.

What happens if I pull the same dice twice?

Since there is now a slim chance you pull the same dice twice, you’ll ideally need to simply reroll again. However, this is where tarot dice can get unique and deviate from normal tarot divination. You can opt to have the same “card” in the spread for a different portion and this may even make it a more accurate divination tool compared to tarot.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. For the sake of beginners’ tarot dice, it’s best if you start with rerolling while you learn the meaning of each tarot card. Once you have a solid foundation on each card, you can consider trying out the “same card in a spread” method.

5. Read the Tarot Dice Spread Once Complete

After you’ve finished off your tarot spread, which can range from 1 – 12 cards, consult the tarot guidebook to learn more about what your spread means and how it answers your question. Larger spreads will take some time and note-taking to fully understand what the divine is answering in relation to your question.

Top Tarot Dice

We’ve curated a few options for you so you know exactly what to look for when buying tarot dice. This ensures you don’t end up buying astrology dice, which are often falsely labeled as tarot dice. These are not in a particular order, but you can check out our best tarot dice guide for more information on each.

1. Tarot Dice of Marseilles

Tarot Dice of Marseilles
Tarot Dice of Marseilles from Enochian Antiquarian

Probably, the most well-known tarot dice out right now, the Tarot Dice of Marseilles by Enochian Antiquarian is one of the founders when it comes to actual tarot dice. These large dice come with pictures and a clear label on each side so you know exactly which card you’ve pulled. If you’re new to tarot in general, you can opt to purchase one of their tarot clothes for a better learning experience.

2. STARDUST Tarot Dice

STARDUST Tarot Dice from Space Delirium

If you’re a fan of aesthetics, you’ll simply love these Stardust Tarot Dice from Space Delirium. Not only do they look as if they’ve been covered in the stars, but the simple design of each icon makes you want to use them on a regular basis. Plus, this one comes with a free guidebook for their specific dice.

3. Ragnarok Sunset Sea Tarot Dice

Ragnarok Tarot Dice from Triosmore
Ragnarok Tarot Dice from Triosmore

A big fan of D&D-style dice? Look no further than the Ragnarok Sunset Sea Tarot Dice by Triosmore. These purple and gold colored tarot dice are great for creating that whimsical and divine feeling that some look for when connecting with the divine.

4. Tarot Divination Dice

Tarot Dice in Black and White
Tarot Divination Dice from Sacred Moon and Stars

Combining simple colors with aesthetic icons is the Tarot Divination Dice from Sacred Moon and Stars. They’re simple and to the point, but don’t lay out each word for each card like the Tarot Dice of Marseilles.


How is Tarot divided?

Tarot decks, and by proxy tarot dice, are divided into two major sections: the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major arcana consists of 22 cards such as the card “Justice” or “The Moon”. The minor arcana cards consist of 56 cards broken into four suites, typically Cups, Swords, Pentacles, and Wands.

What is Astrology Dice?

Astrology dice, which is often mislabeled as tarot dice, is a form of dice-based divination using astrology signs of the zodiac. They come on 3, 12-sided dice and represent houses, signs, and planets to answer divine questions in our life.

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