8 Best Incense for Protection

While people tend to burn incense for cleansing the house of negative energies, incense can also be used to protect the house from them as well. These incense for protection focus on creating a positive and protective aura throughout the house and yourself. Incense for protection includes frankincense, bergamot, and lemongrass.

Here are the eight best incense for protection.

Our team tests, researches, and carefully curates all our recommendations. This post may contain affiliate links. We may receive commission on purchases made from our links at no additional cost to you.

1. Bergamot

In need of extra protection while doing tasks around the house? Bergamot is a great incense for increasing your alertness and allowing you to sense when negative energies are coming your way. Rather than focusing on creating a protective aura, bergamot instead focuses on keeping you dialed in and unaffected by those negative energies.

Burn bergamot incense before you go to work or need to study. If the house needs cleaning and tidying, burn a bergamot incense while you scrub away.

2. Frankincense

Frankincense incense is one of the most common incense burned throughout the world (hence why you find “incense” in the name). Burning frankincense is great for both expelling negative energies and keeping them away. Not only is it great for in the house, but the protective vibe of frankincense tends to follow you throughout the day.

If you have a stressful event coming up, such as a big test or a job performance review, burn a frankincense incense stick or cone. Then when you get home, thanks to frankincense’s negative energy expelling properties, you can burn it again.

3. Lemongrass

Going on an adventure such as camping or a trip to the beach? Lemongrass incense is perfect for not only avoiding negative energies but also pesky pests. The scent of lemongrass (which is similar to a mint), tends to be an annoyance to bugs and keeps them away, keeping your area peaceful.

When burning incense outside, be mindful of others. Smoke may blow in the direction of others which may bring negative vibes their way. Always be aware of the ashes and flames as well to avoid any fire hazards.

4. Patchouli

While the scent of patchouli isn’t for everyone, it definitely gets the job done when it comes to protection. Patchouli incense tends to create a peaceful and calming aroma that fills the entire house. This makes it great for when your family is going through tough times and you want to protect the entire home.

Because of the potent scent of patchouli, it’s best when to put it next to a window or a well-ventilated area. Some people find the scent to be irritating to the nose.

5. Ylang-Ylang

Ylang-ylang incense is perfect for individual protection. It does what frankincense does, where it expels and protects, but does it on a personal level rather than an inclusive level. When you burn ylang-ylang, you’re helping protect the negative thoughts and energies that go after our brains.

If you find yourself extra harsh on yourself or overthinking, then aim to burn ylang-ylang. You’ll find yourself taking a more positive outlook on life and your confidence may lift, helping protect yourself from yourself.

6. Coconut

Going on vacation and want to ensure everyone is protected? When we’re traveling, our energies are more susceptible to negative energies because they are new and our auras don’t know how to fend them off as well. This is where coconut incense comes into play.

You don’t necessarily need to be going to a tropical paradise for coconut to protect you effectively. It only tends to smell like an ocean getaway. Burn incense right before a vacation or on vacation if you’re allowed to.

7. Rose

While rose is typically used as an incense for love and romance, it also has a side benefit. Offering pleasant dreams. This makes it a perfect incense for protecting against nightmares that may cause us to have restless sleep or even negative thoughts throughout the day.

You can also look to burn rose incense if you want to protect the feeling of love and romance in the bedroom. Bedroom may become play areas, offices, or simply a place to rest. It’s important to protect the feelings you and your loved one share in that space.

8. Juniper

Using juniper incense for protection is common when someones going through a bad luck cycle. While bad luck is inevitable, burning juniper incense can give us the protection needed mentally to keep moving forward. So keep in mind, juniper won’t prevent bad luck, but more so protect us from bad luck bringing us down and negatively impacting us.

Use These Incense for Protection To Keep the Negative Energies Away

Remember, these incense for protection are meant to help maintain and keep negative energies away. But if you’re under constant bombardment of negative vibes, incense for protection can only do so much. You might need to also cleanse the area constantly to ensure that these bad auras are kept at bay.

You can check out our complete guide to 36 different incense to learn more about individual and mixture scents.

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